To read more, click or tap on the images below

  • Eastbank Residential Home, Hereford

    Eastbank Residential Home, Hereford

    A Residential Home in Hereford offering a 24/7 support service and providing a safe environment for Adults with Learning Disabilities, Mental Health Illness and Acquired Brain Injury where they can develop and gain confidence.

  • Eastbank Supported Living, Hereford

    Eastbank Supported Living, Hereford

    Supporting Individuals to live in their own homes. Predominantly those with complex needs who find life challenging because of their Mental Health issues, Acquired Brain Injury, Learning Disability, Addictions, Anxiety, Health needs, and Hospital discharge.

We can be contacted by phone on 01432 266177, 01432 671559 or 07816 899846 and by email at

Care Quality Commission

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